Research Activities



Since 1997:
Since 2022:

Full Professor at Technical University of Valencia, UPV (Catedrática de Universidad)
(Ad-Honorem) Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow at Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, VRAIN

Academic Education:

  • PhD in Computer Science (Doctorado en Ingeniería Informática). University of Pisa (Italy) / Technical U. of Valencia (Spain), 1986-1991
  • Research postgrad in Industrial Engineering (3er Ciclo en Ingeniería Industrial), Automation, Control and Industrial Computing track. Technical U. of Valencia, 1985-1986
  • BSc/MSc in Physics (Lda. en Físicas), Electrical and Electronic Physics track. University of Valencia (UV), 1980-1985
  • Research:

    Since 1985, she has been a professor in Computer Science at UPV, where she has lead the Extensions of Logic Programming Group (ELP, 12 Ph.D.'s, 36 researchers) since its creation in 1989. She has headed 30 Research Projects funded by the EU, the Spanish Research Funding Agency, and other european foundations.
    In 2019, she joined the Steering Committee of VRAIN (Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence).

    Her Research Interests include:
    • industrial formal methods, automated software engineering
    • static and dynamic analysis; program synthesis, transformation and specialization (partial evaluation); automated verification (model checking); program debugging and correction; certification and optimization of programs and complex systems
    • computational logic, artificial intelligence, automated reasoning
    • symbolic execution, semantics of programming languages, multi-paradigm programming, functional and logic programming
    • term rewriting systems and applications (security applications, internet applications), narrowing strategies, termination analysis

    She has published over two hundred scientific papers on these topics in international conference proceedings, books and international journals, including ACM TOPLAS, ACM Computing Surveys, Information and Computation, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Science of Computer Programming, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Theoretical Computer Science, Fundamenta Informaticae, Journal of Logic Programming, Journal of Logic and Computation, Logic Journal of the IGPL, Software Tools for Technology Transfer,
    María Alpuente has served as a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier) since 2020 and she previously served in the Journal of Functional and Logic Programming (EAPLS, formerly published by MIT Press). She was Guest Editor of Science of Computer Programming, vol. 78(7) (with C. Joubert, S. Kowalewski, and M. Roveri). She served in the Steering Committee of LOPSTR (Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation) and Transformation) and WWV (Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems). During 2004-2017, she served in the Steering Commmittee of SPARCIM, the national arm of ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics).

    In 2019 María Alpuente was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Agència Valenciana d'Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP).

    During 2010-2012, she served as a member of the Comité Asesor del Campo 6.2 (Ingenierías de la Comunicación, Computación y Electrónica) de la CNEAI (Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora), Spanish Ministry of Education.

    She coordinated the Computer Science and Information Technology area of ANEP (the National Evaluation and Prospect Agency) in the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (2001 - 2003). She was also appointed trustee for expert groups at FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) during the same period.

    During 2015-2020, she served as a member of the Comissió d'Avaluació de la Recerca i de la Recerca Avançada (Comissió específica d'Enginyeria i Arquitectura) de AQU (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya), full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

    She serves in the International Scientific Advisory Board of IMDEA-Software Foundation since 2007.

    She was a member of the Committee that defined the National Research Programme on Information and Communication Technologies (TIC 2004-2007) at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. She participated in the Jury for the National Computer Science Prizes (editions 2011, 2006 and 2005), awarded by the Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE).

    She has served in the Program Committee of the following international conferences:

    María Alpuente has also served in the program committee of the following national conferences.

    Since 2008 María Alpuente serves in the Steering Committee of the Scientific Society of Software Engineering and Technologies for
    Software Development (SISTEDES)
    , a member of SCIE (Sociedad Científica de Informática de España), where she coordinated the SISTEDES Doctorate Prize (2020-2022).

    In 2022 María Alpuente joined ValgrAI (Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence)·

    Her Erdös number is four.