by María Alpuente, Santiago Escobar and Salvador Lucas.
An example is the introduction of redundant arguments in the functions defined in the program. Redundancy of a parameter means that replacing it by any expression does not change the result.
Consider the following program, which calculates the last element of a list and the concatenation of two lists of natural numbers, respectively:
Assume that we specialize this program for the call applast ys z = last (append ys (z:nil)) which appends an element z at the end of a given list ys and then returns the last element, z, of the resulting list (the example is borrowed from DPPD library of benchmarks). Commonly, the optimized program which can be obtained by using an automatic specializer of functional programs such as INDY or PEVAL is:data Nat = 0 | S Nat append::[Nat] -> [Nat] -> [Nat] last::[Nat] -> Nat append nil y = y last (x:nil) = x append (x:xs) y = x:(append xs y) last (x:y:ys) = last (y:ys)
This program is too far from {applast' ys z = lastnew' z, lastnew' z = z} a more feasible program, or even the ``optimal'' program (without redundant parameters) {applast'' z = z} which one would ideally expect (here the rule for the ``local'' function lastnew' is disregarded, since it is not useful when the definition of applast' is optimized).applast::[Nat] -> Nat -> Nat lastnew::Nat -> [Nat] -> Nat -> Nat applast nil z = z lastnew x nil z = z applast (x:xs) z = lastnew x xs z lastnew x (y:ys) z = lastnew y ys z
Indeed, note that the first argument of the function applast is redundant (as well as the first and second parameters of the auxiliary function lastnew) and would not typically be written by a programmer who writes this program by hand. Also note that standard (post-specialization) renaming/compression procedures cannot perform this optimization as they only improve programs where program calls contain dead functors or multiple occurrences of the same variable, or the functions are defined by rules whose rhs's are normalizable [AFJV97, Gal93, GS94]. Known procedures for removing dead code such as [BCDG00, Kob00,LS02] do not apply to this example either.
The system includes a redundancy analyzer and an erasure procedure. The complete implementation consists of about 250 rules (800 lines of code). The analizer is expressed by 75 rules, the erasure procedure by 85 rules, and the meta-interpreter and other helpful facilities by 90 rules.
We have used the prototype to optimize dozens of examples. Preliminary experiments with the system show that our methodology does detect and remove redundant arguments of many common transformation benchmarks. Click here to see our experiments.
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[LS02] Y. A. Liu and S. D. Stöller. Eliminating dead code on recursive data. Science of Computer Programming, 2002. To appear. Preliminary version in Proc. of SAS'99, LNCS 1694:211-231. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
Last update Feb 2002 #