Michaël Rusinowitch
Title: Protocol Analysis for WS Security
Date: Friday June 18, 09:00
We present some potential applications of
security protocol analysis techniques to service
oriented computing.
In particular we consider the synthesis
of a composed service and its validation.
This ongoing work takes place
in the context of Avantssar project.
Catherine Meadows
Title: Quantifying Pervasive Authentication: The Case of the Hancke-Kuhn Protocol
Date: Friday June 18, 15:00
There is a growing body of work on developing techniques for the formal analysis of cryptographic protocols. However, most of it depends on depends on the representation of
cryptographic algorithms as algebraic systems. Although much progress has been made on the richness of the algebraic theories that can be represented, and on proving
these theories sound in a computational model, less attention has been devoted to reasoning directly in a probabilistic model.
However, there are important emerging classes of protocols which require such a probabilistic analysis. As mobile devices pervade physical space, the familiar authentication patterns are becoming insufficient: besides entity authentication, many applications require, e.g., location authentication. Many interesting protocols have been proposed and implemented to provide such strengthened forms of authentication, but there are very few proofs that such protocols satisfy the required security properties. In some cases, the proofs can be provided in the symbolic models, albeit with more work and some clever trick. More often, various physical factors invalidate the perfect cryptography assumption, and the symbolic model does not apply. In such cases, the protocol cannot be secure in an absolute logical sense, but only with a high probability. But although probabilistic reasoning is thus necessary, the analysis in the full computational model may not be warranted, since the relative security does not depend on a general computational assumption, but rather upon an assumption of randomness.
We refine the Dolev-Yao algebraic method for protocol analysis by a probabilistic model of guessing, needed to analyze protocols that mix weak cryptography with physical properties of nonstandard communication channels. Applying this model, we provide a precise security proof for a proximity authentication protocol, due to Hancke and Kuhn, that uses probabilistic reasoning to achieve its goals. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of implementing such an approach via rewriting logic.
Bruno Blanchet
Title: The automatic security protocol verifier ProVerif
Date: Saturday June 19, 9:00
ProVerif is an automatic security protocol verifier based on an
abstract representation of the protocol by a set of Horn clauses, and
on a resolution algorithm on these clauses. This technique allows a
flexible encoding of many cryptographic primitives by rewrite rules or
equations. It can verify a wide range of security properties of the
protocols, such as secrecy, authentication, and some process
equivalences, in a fully automatic way. Furthermore, the obtained
security proofs are valid for an unbounded message space and an
unbounded number of sessions of the protocol, in parallel or not.
We will present the basic technique used by ProVerif as well as
more recent evolutions and applications.
Ralf Kuesters
Title: Enabling ProVerif to Analyze Protocols with XOR and Diffie-Hellman Exponentiation
Date: Sunday June 20, 9:00
ProVerif is one of the most successful tools for
cryptographic protocol analysis. However, dealing with
algebraic properties of operators such as the exclusive
OR (XOR) and Diffie-Hellman exponentiation has been
In this talk, I will present an approach which enables
ProVerif, and related tools, to analyze a large class of
protocols that employ the XOR operator and Diffie-Hellman
The core of our approach is to reduce the derivation
problem for Horn theories modulo algebraic properties of
XOR/Diffie-Hellman exponentiation to a purely syntactical
derivation problem for Horn theories. The latter problem
can then be solved by tools such as ProVerif. Our
reduction works for a large class of Horn theories,
allowing to model a wide range of intruder capabilities and
protocols. We implemented our reduction and, in
combination with ProVerif, applied it to automatically
analyze several state-of-the-art protocols that use XOR or
Diffie-Hellman exponentiation.
This talk is based on joint work with Tomasz Truderung,
published at CCS 2008 and CSF 2009.
Last modified: Friday June 11 06:26:46 EDT 2010