Josep Silva.
Slicing XML Documents
Program slicing is a well-known technique to extract the program
statements that (potentially) affect the values computed at some point
of interest. In this work, we introduce a novel slicing method for XML
documents. Essentially, given an XML document (which is valid
w.r.t. some DTD), we produce a new XML document (a slice) that
contains the relevant information in the original XML document
according to some criterion. Furthermore, we also output a new DTD
such that the computed slice is valid w.r.t. this DTD. A prototype
implementation of the XML slicer has been undertaken.
Marco Winckler, Eric Barboni, Christelle Farenc and Philippe Palanque.
What Kind of Verification of Formal Navigation Modelling for Reliable and Usable Web Applications?
In this paper we introduce briefly a notation dedicated to model
navigation of Web applications and some strategies that we plan to
employ to assess models built with such as a notation. Our aim with
this kind of evaluation is to ensure (prior to implementation) that
important users tasks can (or cannot) be performed with the system
under construction.
Santiago Escobar
Last modified: Tue Mar 8 11:46:08 CET 2005